08 November 2016

Schlagzeilen des VALOR ECONÔMICO, internationale Ausgabe, am Präsidentenwahltag der USA

Odebrecht shouldering personal spending of informants
Former executives and shareholders have already produced 2,800 pages of testimonies for soon-to-be-signed informant and leniency deals
Justice recruits religious leaders to reduce case backlogECONOMY

Justice recruits religious leaders to reduce case backlog

Courts develop programs to train priests, pastors and even traffic officers in mediation methods as a way of alleviating lawsuit overload
Potential investors see government pushing Oi to market solutionBUSINESS

Potential investors see government pushing Oi to market solution

Case of telco shows how top shareholder sets the tone in its attempt to recover invested money

Celulose Irani seeks strategic investor to resume expansion

Cardboard packaging maker wants to hold stock offering to get minority shareholder and expand two plants

Scandals increase audit firms’ revenues in Brazil

Fees for scrutinizing financial statements of publicly traded companies rose 16% with the higher risk of fraud


Antonio Delfim Netto
Antonio Delfim Netto

From John to John: the importance of economics 

Knowledge of economics is not civilization; maybe it is its possibility
Angela Bittencourt

Focus on US election and spending cap

Presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump weighs on market, which will be watching Temer’s cabinet meeting and vote on PEC 241
Claudia Safatle

Another R$65bn charge in electricity bills

Extra rate increase to compensate transmission companies will create pressure over inflation


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