06 Januar 2009

BRIC-Staaten werden immer wichtiger fuer das Weltwirtschaftswachstum

Unter der Uberschrift "Why it would be wrong to write off the Brics" schrieb Jim O’Neill am 5.1.2009 in der Financial Times: 

"How relevant are the Brics, the fast-growing developing economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China? ... The latest forecast from Goldman Sachs for growth in the world’s gross domestic product is a pitiful 0.6 per cent in 2009. We project the advanced economies to decline by 1.2 per cent. The 0.6 per cent growth is derived from the projected GDP growth of about 4.7 per cent in the Brics. The Bric economies account for about 15 per cent of global GDP....Our projections for domestic demand are similar to our GDP numbers, which means the Bric countries will be the only source of domestic demand growth globally in 2009. In 2010, we forecast, domestic demand growth in advanced economies will recover to 1.2 per cent and in the Bric economies will accelerate to 7.2 per cent, fuelled by China’s stimulus. So, coming on top of 2008, we project that for three consecutive years we will have seen global demand expansion led by the Bric economies...

Lesen Sie den Originalbeitrag, es lohnt sich! Und beachten Sie diesen Satz:

"...was bedeutet, dass die BRIC-Staaten die einzige Quelle fuer das globale Binnennachfragewachstum 2009 sein werden !" 

Also, auf nach Brasilien!!!

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