06 Juli 2015

Kaum positive Schlagzeilen in der internationalen Ausgabe von VALOR ECONÔMICO


Finance minister asks country to be patient with adjustment

Joaquim Levy is worried about the risk that growing political uncertainties will paralyze companies and increase the fiscal adjustment's cost
Cemig vows to continue fighting Brasília over plantsBUSINESS

Cemig vows to continue fighting Brasília over plants

New CEO Mauro Borges says the case has not been exhausted and the company will continue negotiating to keep three hydroelectric dams
Petrobras plans to shed mature fields and Braskem stakeBUSINESS

Petrobras plans to shed mature fields and Braskem stake

State-owned oil company's divestment plan adopts comprehensive approach in effort to raise $58bn by 2018 and generate shareholder value

Meatpackers shut down plants and cut capacity by 13%

A scarcity of cattle and weak domestic demand have led companies to halt operations of 44 facilities this year

Retailers and card companies dispute cost of online frauds

State courts have ruled that merchant acquirers must foot the bill for approving purchases, in spite of what contracts state


Sergio Leo
Sergio Leo

The pains of the adjustment (and a good bye)

Exporters received the first worrying news about the National Export Plan: the export credit lines have not been restored so far
Claudia Safatle

A picnic at the mouth of the volcano

With the first half gone, the situation of the economy proved to be worse than thought in the beginning of Dilma Rousseff’s term
Ribamar Oliveira

Fiscal adjustment requires control of personnel expenditure

Approval of salary increase to judiciary branch servants violates precepts of the Constitution


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