01 Mai 2017

Schlagzeilen der internationalen Ausgabe des VALOR ECONÔMICO von heute


General strike is test for passage of reforms

Judging by Wednesday’s vote, the government is still lacking at least 12 votes to pass the pension reform
Government identifies support to labor reform in SenatePOLITICS

Government identifies support to labor reform in Senate

Vote in the Chamber of Deputies helped government see where spots of dissatisfaction are
Former house speaker still reluctant to make plea dealPOLITICS

Former house speaker still reluctant to make plea deal

Eduardo Cunha, arrested since December, likes to issue veiled threats in jail but no proposal has come out yet

Lula includes investment bankers in list of witnesses

Executives participated in R$120bn capitalization of Petrobras in 2010; some say they don’t know why they are being called

Farm, business interests clash with Environment Ministry on licensing

Environmentalists decry bill making its way in Congress, which diverged from version negotiated by Environment Minister


Claudia Safatle
Claudia Safatle

The cost of changing the inflation target

Decisions taken now affect next year’s inflation, which means pursuing a lower target would require slowing or stopping the monetary easing
Cristiano Romero

Public servants and the general strike

By defending privileges in the pension reform, public servants know they go against the interests of the majority of the population
Ribamar Oliveira

Government finances show more improvement in nominal result

Budget cut this year ensures government will comply with spending cap in 2018 and 2019, but after that it depends on revenues


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